So I was kind of wondering how big of a problem this really is, I plan to take the subrame off at some point to replace the bushing's with some polyurethane bushings and clean it up a bit, but I'm going to have to become more comfortable with that big of a job. I figure this video is a drastic case, but I've seen some with little crack's but it's like rust, it will just grow and get worse if gone unnoticed. Mechanical issues don't scare me as much since I am somewhat mechanically inclined, but body work and thing's of that nature kind of worry me. I don't own an E46, but I've planned on getting one as my next car.

I saw this video, and it kind of has me freaked out a little bit. But I have mainly heard it referred to in the M3's and not so much in the 325's and 330's. I've heard that some E46's have major problem's with the subframe cracking, and causing all sort's of problem's.